
19.10.2024 — 16.11.2024 — Exposition «Animal», organisée par la Galerie «Autour de l’Image». Je prends part a l’exposition avec les artistes — amis de Philippe Tardy, et chaque artiste presents une gravure. Vernissage le 19.10 à partir de 16h00. Adresse : 44 rue Sala, 69002 Lyon — Cour intérieure & interphone.

20.05.2023 — 21.05.2023 — Exhibition «Gravure hors les murs». Four artists of Atelier Alma present their recent gravures. Those are: Odile Gasquet, Philippe Gay, Pascal Rouaud, Alain Rufer and I. Opening: from Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 May 2023 between 2 pm and 6 pm. Address: Passage de l’Ancienne Mairie 69400 Villefranche-sur-Saône.


27.11.18 — 01.03.2019 — Personal exhibition «Edges of the World» in the International Resource Center of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. Address: Grazhdansky Pr. 28A, 2nd floor, rooms 218 and 220.

01.06.2018 — Exhibition “Strange wanderers” by the Art-Craft group in the City Library on Marata Str. (Bazhanov’s house), St.Petersburg

2017 — Personal exhibition of Tatiana Khvatova “Alone on the Planet” in the City Library on Marata Str. (Bazhanov’s house), St.Petersburg

2013 г – Exhibition “The Sign of the Four” in the Gallery “Alta Lingua Studio”, Ligovsky Pr., St. Petersburg

2010 г – IV Graphic Display “Admiring Engravings”, Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”

2008 г – Project “Bar-code”, Museum of “The Mitki” Creative Union

2006 г – IV St. Petersburg Festival of Galleries, Central Exhibition Hall “Manezh”

2006 – “St.Petersburg Engraving”,Exhibition Hall of the Library at the Russian State Christian Academy